Telefono 330.220.8600
550 Crane Dr., Valley City, OH 44280

Grúas de doble viga amarre superiorDouble Structural Girder Top Running Overhead Cranes

Serie ZLW

ZLW Series Double Girder Bridge Cranes utilize structural girders, and are often used where capacities are over 10 tons and/or long spans are needed.

Ventajas del Producto

The advantages of double girder traveling bridge cranes become particularly evident with load capacities over 10 tons, or spans of over 50′. These advantages are:

  • Higher hook lift, since the hook can be pulled up between the main girders.
  • Extremely rigid girder construction and durable trolley design are well suited for heavy service applications.

Haga clic en el número de artículo para conocer las dimensiones y especificaciones. Llame a EMH para conocer los precios.


Serie ZLW

Item # Tipo de viga Tipo de Polipasto Capacidad (tons) Luz (Máxima) Izaje
ZLW 1 Estructural D (Standard) 5 Tons 60 ft 20 ft
33 ft
ZLW 2 Estructural D (Standard) 7.5 Tons 60 ft 20 ft
33 ft
ZLW 3 Estructural D (Standard) 10 Tons 60 ft 20 ft
33 ft
ZLW 4 Estructural D (Standard) 15 Tons 60 ft 20 ft
33 ft
ZLW 4A Estructural D (Standard) 15 Tons 60 ft 50 ft
ZLW 5 Estructural D (Standard) 20 Tons 60 ft 13 ft
22 ft
ZLW 5A Estructural D (Standard) 20 Tons 60 ft 33 ft
ZLW 6 Estructural D (Standard) 25 Tons 60 ft 20 ft
33 ft
ZLW 6A Estructural D (Standard) 25 Tons 60 ft 50 ft
ZLW 7 Estructural D (Standard) 30 Tons 60 ft 13 ft
22 ft
ZLW 7A Estructural D (Standard) 30 Tons 60 ft 33 ft
ZLW 8 Estructural D (Standard) 35 Tons 60 ft 13 ft
22 ft
ZLW 8A Estructural D (Standard) 35 Tons 60 ft 33 ft
ZLW 9 Estructural D (Standard) 40 Tons 60 ft 13 ft
22 ft
ZLW 9A Estructural D (Standard) 40 Tons 60 ft 33 ft

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